Has new and digital media had an impact upon ownership and control of the media institution(s) involved in your case study area? Explain in detail any impact and what exactly has changed.

Social media/networks play a big part in the impact of ownership and control of media institutions. Firstly, the use of UGC is a factor as it has created audience to become producers as well as consumers. UGC is User generated content, so this refers to citizen journalism so audience can now use sites like YouTube to give that firsthand experience. The use of UGC is slowly putting journalism out of the business. Similarly with social sites like Twitter, Twitter is known for its 24hr rolling news where users constantly update things that may be happening right now, right there. Its a very easy way to get news around, so sites like this are slowly putting newspapers out of business. Audiences are now reliant on social media for source of information, also people now use online to communicate more.
Social media can be dangerous as it creates 'internet warriors' and 'twitter famous' people, these people rely on the sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube too often. To be labelled as a 'internet warrior' means that an individual to be brave behind the screen and constantly insult people. Twitter famous relates to the amount of followers you have and how good your tweets are, in today's society, many people inspire to be twitter famous as they actually believe it will get them far in life. To conclude, social networks can be very addictive.
What impact has there been on the way in which the audience now consume the media products/ texts involved in your case study? How does it differ from what went before? Consider (SHEP)
There has been a tremendous impact on the way the audience now consume media products. People now turn to YouTube in hopes of becoming a star because it's quick way to get recognition and become famous. An example of a YouTube sensation is Justin Bieber, he was found on YouTube by Usher and was quickly signed by him and currently Justin Bieber is making millions and he's only 19. So sites like YouTube to make dreams reality and audiences are now consuming media differently as they are more likely to get involved in media without even knowing. Using sites like Twitter, they are informing everyone with what they are doing but if something happens, for example: a fight with Chris Brown and Frank Ocean many people will take to Twitter to discuss and voice their opinions. This is different to 5 years ago, where audiences didnt use social networks so much, MSN was the main source of communication but now that has died and Microsoft have now bought Skype.
Economically, audience have consumed media texts differently because everything is available online for example, people can now do shopping online, online banking etc... so money has been saved by using the internet but regarding social media, everything is free and audiences cant resist freebies. An example of a freebie via social networks is the news, where they can get 24hr rolling news, also games are free on social media etc.

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