Friday 23 November 2012

Robert Di Matteo SACKED

What this story is about?
Di Matteo got sacked just after 8 months managing Chelsea and as he got off his aeroplane to go to the match, thats when he got sacked because of the defeat against Juventus 3-0 by the owner of Chelsea. This is the 9th manager in 9 years.

What do I think?
I dont know anything about football, but I dont like the fact that the owner of chelsea can just fire whoever he likes because they didnt win a game. I dont find it fair. He may be a billionaire but it's still someones job and the humiliation of only being a manager for 8 months. It's like me getting fired from my job because I forgot to scan an item, it just doesnt make sense. That billionaire guy needs to get his head out of his bum and realise that he's messing with people's lives. One day, chelsea will not even have a manager because people may be too frightened to manage the team, because of sheer embarrassment.

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