1/4 of our population is connected
Twitter developed in 2006
Iran 2009, Rave conlist about president, oppositional protest
Iran took to Twitter to discuss, freedom rights
Youtuve was a key feature
UGC to help inform people about Iran
Al Gore "It will have a more profound impact that the printing press"
Internet: Positives
To challenge old power crumbling
Internet: Negatives
State control
Censorship can be undone by a program, which happened in Iran
253+ Million online in China, they are the biggest users of the internet
33K police the internet (censorship)
"The great firewall of China"
30,000 50 centers to write in favour of the government
The government now uses bloggers in their speeches as they believe that they think they need to respond
The earthquake that attacked china and they used a site called QQ to update information about the quake.
There was updated videos/pics about the earth quake. So news relied on amateur journalism
New York times and BBC have been blocked in China
Late 90s freely transfer money
This is when PayPal was created
Peter Theil is the co-founder of PayPal
PayPal is called the New World Currency
Facebook has 350 million users worldwide
If Facebook was a country it would be the 3rd largest country in the world
Denial of service = cyber warriors
1/4 of the planet is connected
Will we face new dangers that we never even imagined?
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